interim judgment การใช้
- In an interim judgment, Stoney lost the battle to retain control of the Bowes fortune during the pendency of the case.
- Tambunan also requested an interim judgment on the lawsuit to prevent Suryadi's faction from taking over the assets of the party.
- If the court is satisfied that such reasonable grounds exist, it may make an interim judgment of presumption of death and of divorce.
- Instead, he restated some of the principal accusations made in the Senate hearings to date and called them " five major interim judgments ."
- Cassell, however, described Miranda as no more than a " provisional, interim judgment about how to go about enforcing Fifth Amendment rights ."
- Once the panel issues its final report _ which normally upholds the interim judgment _ both India and the U . S . can appeal the ruling once.
- The Football Association said the interim judgment in Luxembourg on Belgian player Jean-Marc Bosman's case " clearly has important implications for English football and the game throughout Europe ."
- Lenz's interim judgment followed a legal suit by Jean-Marc Bosman, a Belgian player who rebelled against UEFA after he was denied a transfer to French club Dunkirk from FC Liege in 1990.
- Lenz's interim judgment came in a case filed by Jean-Marc Bosman, a Belgian player who sued UEFA after he was denied a transfer to French club Dunkirk from FC Liege in 1990.
- Without that data, said Benoit Bouchard, chairman of Canada's Transportation Safety Board, theories of what happened to the flight were speculation, and he offered no interim judgment on what downed the plane.
- Lott said his Senate speech covered " major interim judgments " based on committee hearings since he formed a Senate task force in late May to look into questions about possible transfers of sensitive technology to China.
- A World Trade Organization panel, set up to investigate U . S . complaints that Japan is unfairly blocking market access in the photo film and paper market, is due to deliver its interim judgment Friday in Geneva.
- The interim judgment backed Jean-Marc Bosman, a Belgian midfielder who has rebelled against the UEFA European soccer union after he was denied a transfer to French club Dunkirk from FC Liege in 1990, even though his contract had expired.
- "To make some quick, interim judgment would short-circuit the process, " said Rep . Michael Forbes, R-N . Y . " That doesn't seem to be an option on table ."
- As described by the government officials, the findings of Duelfer's report, in its current draft, are broadly consistent with the interim judgments, including the report issued in October 2003 by David A . Kay, the first top American inspector.
- A World Trade Organization panel, set up to investigate U . S . complaints that Japan is unfairly blocking market access in the photo film and paper market, is due to deliver its interim judgment Friday, the sources said on condition of anonymity.
- Because the politicking is redolent of the Republicans'national campaign last year, which resulted in the party's first takeover of Congress in 40 years, the outcome will offer an interim judgment by a pivotal electorate on the conservative brand of lawmaking that has reigned in Washington for almost a year.